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Why Roline's

Lori Beth's Inspiration

A Family Affair

Roline was Lori Beth’s grandmother and is forever remembered for her cooking, baking, and sewing.


Roline was born February 1, 1913 to Carl and Augusta Discher Helm, both of German descent. The German pronunciation of Roline is “Ro-le-na” and is derived from Caroline. She was baptized with the name, Roline Wilhelmine Sophie Louise Helm, after her sponsors. Roline’s baptismal sponsors were Caroline Kettler, Wilhelmine Hugo, Sophie Winkelmann and Louise Luedke. The Guest House room names are a remembrance of Roline’s numerous names.


Most remember Roline as ‘Tudie” for this was her nickname. Why Tudie? I do not know.

A remarkable woman and grandmother, Roline was very special. For Roline, life was about the home. She served her family as cook, gardener, dairywoman, and seamstress.


Roline married Walter Wilhem Kelm on October 12, 1932. They were blessed with two daughters, Walline and Betty Lou.
On October 7, 1954, Walline died of Polio just one year before the Saulk vaccine was approved.

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